Saturday, July 11, 2009


Morgan got home on Friday around two o'clock. We have enjoyed hearing about her many adventures in Africa. She talked non-stop about her trip for several hours. She slept until 12:30 today! She's still exhausted.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm sure Morgan is calling ME to tell me they are in Houston. It was so great to hear her voice. Tara actually called first. I'm so glad they are back in the United States!!


The girls just called they just landed in Houston! Now they have to go through customs, pick up their luggage and take a 2-3 hour bus ride back to Garden Valley.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The girls landed in Dubai. They will take off at 9:05 Dubai time tomorrow...our time 1:05 am Wednesday morning. They will get to Houston around 4:30 tomorrow afternoon...that's about 15 hours in the air. I know they will be exhausted!!! From Houston they will have a two hour bus ride back to Teen Mania in Garden Valley, Texas. Thursday will be a day of rest with a "debriefing" session and closing program Thursday night. Friday will include traveling home for Morgan and traveling to Canada for Tara.


As I write this, the girls are taxiing on the runway to take off for Dubai. I found a very "fuzzy" picture of Morgan in the airport. Tara is actually sitting on the floor behind her. They should be in the air until about 4:15 our time today.

Monday, July 6, 2009


The girls just got back to Kampala. They are extremely tired from the bus ride. It is just after midnight, their time. They will be flying out of Kampala tomorrow during the afternoon...our time 9:00 a.m. They have a lot of traveling ahead of them, so please remember them in your prayers.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


The girls have gone on a safari today at Murchison Falls, which is on the Nile River. The waterfalls come from Lake Victoria which empty, through the falls into the Nile. They should be able to see some great wildlife today, then get some much needed rest at the lodge.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Although long, this is the best one yet!

Jul 04 2009 07:06AM

When we came to Uganda we knew we were in for a reality check and that we would see how blessed we really were but it wasn't until we were driving home from Gulu that it really hit us. The week had already been extremely emotionally and spiritually draining as we spent our time serving in displacement camps, orphanages and the hospital. We witnessed poverty first hand but nothing could have prepared us for what would happen on the ride back to kampala. We had stopped to buy some fruit from roadside vendors and the bus was quickly surrounded by people that were selling other goods. We were sitting in the back of the bus when a man approached our window but it didn't look like he had anything to sell. He motioned to a little boy standing next to him and tried to tell us something but we couldn't understand him. Another man came over and placed his hands on the boys shoulders. He said, "This is my son, please take him with you where you are going." We were confused, we were on our way to kampala-why would this man want us to take his son there? He asked us if we were from the UK but we told him we were actually from America. He started pleading with us again, "Please, please take him there with you, I give you him." Our hearts were broken, we didn't know what to say. We couldn't imagine what these people had been through that would make this man want to give up his son so that he could have a better life. This man was demonstrating the ultimate, selfless sacrifice. Of course we couldn't take the boy with us but the image of that father's love will be engraved in our hearts forever. As the bus started to drive away the man asked for a Bible, that was something we were able to give him. We're SOOOO blessed in America and it's almost embarrassing that it took a man offering his own son in order for us to realize that.

-Jennifer and Kailyn


I'm glad to see that Tara and Morgan are happy and safe. Here they are sharing a little sisterly love.

I think this is the latest fashion in mosquito net wear. You won't see this on the billboards of New York!
This is what it's all about. Looks like Tara is a natural at sharing love.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Here is an update written by a student on the same team as the girls.

Here in Uganda God has been moving in some amazing ways. We have been doing ministry in the schools in Kampala and have seen many young people give their lives to Christ and pledge to abstain from sex until marriage. I am constantly astounded by the beauty of the country and the hospitality of the people here. We have also visited refugee camps in Gulu where the LRA used to be. We have seen first hand the hurt caused by Joseph Kony and his army and been able to share the gospel of hope to these people who need it so desperately.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The girls called today while my mom and I were eating at Bojangles. Morgan started the conversation. They are both doing well, but have not been able to do a lot of work in their new location. Evidently the person they are working with is taking charge and in their words using "old -fashioned preaching." They just sit there and pass out stuff when she asks them to. Morgan enjoyed her free day shopping and she said she's getting pretty good at "bartering" for goods. Morgan also said that she really misses home. She actually admitted that she misses working out and playing sports!

Tara talked for about 30 seconds then the phone card ran out of time. She called back in about 5 minutes. She said many of the people on her team had shared some concerns about the teaching style of the person in charge at the school and hopefully the Teen Mania Leadership will be able to get the kids more involved. They are spending much of their time just sitting and listening while the leader "preaches." They want to get involved with the kids!

On a brighter note, Tara's Project Director asked her if she would consider being a team leader next summer. He spoke of how much he appreciated her leadership qualities. When she told him she wasn't old enough, he seemed shocked. He said they would waive the rule for her! She's a natural leader, of course I already knew that.

The girls have a few more days of ministry and then they will go on a two day safari. They will get to stay in a nice lodge during their trip. They are both looking forward to it. They are holding up well.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wildlife Along the Way

These are some pictures of wildlife on the way to Gulu. Amazing ! I don't know how they kept Morgan from jumping off the bus to give them a hug!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures from the Project Leader


Morgan and Tara both called us while we were at the beach.

Morgan called first. She sounded so excited!!! They had been to Gulu and she said she fell in love with the kids there. She met a little boy name Willie and she said it made her miss her boyfriend, Will. She spoke of some new "best friends" that she has made along the way. She was very excited about having a free day of shopping on Monday.

When Tara called she mentioned that she has found the school of her dreams where she would like to teach! I reminded her that she needs to teach in North Carolina, she agreed! She has had a bout with a sinus infection, but she had medicine with her so she is doing better now. She also mentioned that her team leader has been sick, so she has had to take more of a leadership role, which she has loved. She promised me that Morgan is doing well. She too, was looking forward to a free day.

I hope to have some pictures soon to post. Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Louie and I are headed for Myrtle Beach today for a mini vacation. We will return on Monday. I'm taking the laptop so if I hear anything I can keep you posted.

Thanks for all of your support and prayers for the girls! Please keep praying.


This was posted on Teen Mania's website. This is from a girl who stayed in Kampala this week. Tara and Morgan will be here next week. It's a long story, but worth the read!

Tuesday morning (6.23.09), my team and I went to a school, Hope of Joy. We were all prepared to do our purity program called, True Love Waits, but when we arrived the children were quite young and we decided that a VBS program would be more appropriate. We had about 1 minute to plan what we were going to do as we walked into the classroom. We decided to pray because we had no idea what to do and definitely needed God's help! My MIG and I got a 3rd grade class to work with. The children were adorable! They all stood and greeted us. We sang some songs and played some games with them. Then we told the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den and a girl in my MIG shared her testimony (the 3rd grade version)! :) Then, I tied it all together and shared the gospel message. At the end, I asked if anyone had any questions or wanted to have Jesus in their life. Almost immediately, one boy raised his hand and whispered to the teacher that he wanted Jesus. His face lit up with a huge smile. I asked if anyone else wanted that and a lot of kids in the class came up and I led them in a prayer of salvation. Whether or not they all understood exactly what they were doing, we planted a seed in their lives! I know that this little boy will never forget that day. I will never forget his smile for Jesus! God definitely gave us the words to speak and I am SO thankful to HIM!
Mary Kate

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Here are some pictures of Tara fixing lunch (the infamous peanut butter and jelly) and it looks like she's practicing a skit. I also have a group picture. I'm assuming Tara and Morgan are both in it. We'll play a mystery game and see if you can find them. Comment if you find them!

PRAYER REQUEST from another mission trip...

I received an email from Teen Mania today requesting prayer for a student on the Cambodia Mission Trip. The student has contracted the H1N1 Virus. The student is recovering and has been quarantined at the hospital. Pray for this student and thank God for all the healthy students who have given their summers to tell others about God!

Post from Teen Mania

This was on the parent website today:

Jun 23 2009 04:59AMAAAHHHH!!!!!!! We are in Uganda!!!! Please excuse us for not writing sooner! The plane ride went smooth, we made it to our housing and we are all so pumped up for ministry! We've encouraged the missionaries to write about their own experiences so be on the look out for updates from your missionary! The weather is perfect, the people are all extremely welcoming and the's ready for us to wreck it for JESUS!!!!!!!!! Keep the prayers coming...we can definitely feel them!Until next time, Mukama Akuwe Omukisa! (God Bless You!)Uganda A Jesus Freaks!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Tara called to wish Louie a Happy Father's Day. She said she could only talk for a minute. They went to church today and she said it was great. She says Morgan is doing well and she has a great mentor in her group. Tomorrow the girls will be traveling to Gulu to work in the children's camps and working in local schools with children who have been drastically affected by the war. They will stay in Gulu for the next six days.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Both of the girls called from Africa. Morgan called first. She sounded really good. She says they are staying in a hostal (she described it as an old hotel). They are staying 3 to a room, with only 2 single beds. In her words, "I'm not complaining, at least we have showers." She said she was getting ready for bed.

Tara seemed a little tired. She called a little later after getting all of her group settled. She and Morgan are on the same floor. She said she was really tired and swollen from the flights. Evidently the last one was pretty rough. She didn't ellaborate.

It was so good to hear their voices. Please continue to remember them in your prayers. I won't be able to talk with them for a while, but I do receive communication from their leaders via Teen Mania. I'll be sure to post when I get information.

Travel Status

I just got to Winston Salem for my meeting. When I checked the parent site, there was an email saying the team was in the Dubai airport waiting to fly to Uganda. Everyone is doing well and in good spirits. I anticipate a phone call soon. My meeting here starts at 3:00 so when I hear from them, I'll excuse myself to update here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here's the Bus

I just got an email from Valerie with a picture of the bus the girls were on as they were leaving Houston. Makes it seem a little more real.

There is also a picture of the cross outside at the Commissioning Service.

The girls are still in the air (you know I've been checking) and have about another hour before far, so good.

And, by the way, I have been sleeping well and very relaxed about this trip. The posts are in Pacific, I am not up in the middle of the night posting to the blog!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One Last Phone Call

The girls called while we were eating dinner. They were getting ready to go through security, so I think this was the last call. They seemed so excited and ready to get to Africa!

Tara wanted everyone to know that she has been given the job of "travel leader." She is in charge of passports for all the girls. This is really funny considering she lost her very own passport after her Jamaica trip! Ironic, huh?

The girls sound like they are in such good spirits. They are excited about hopefully seeing some sights in Dubai and reaching their final destination of Uganda in Africa.

Louie will be traveling to Myrtle Beach this weekend for a men's golf retreat and I will be in Winston-Salem for a NCAGT Board Meeting. I will update as much as possible if I should hear any news.

Morgan's Humor on the Bus Ride to Houston

I texted Morgan to ask where she was. She replied "On a bus going to Houston. I'm sitting with Tara. I'm trying to sleep now, I'll talk to you later."

Text #2 The bus broke down. It's fixed now, but thought you might want to add this to the blog.

Text #3 "You should also add to the blog that Tara hasn't had vegetables since she got here and she thinks she might actually die."

Good to see that Morgan still has her sense of humor!!! Valerie (my niece who works at Teen Mania) says that the girls have been coming to her office to check out the blog, to make sure they approve.


Tara called last night during dinner with flight information. Basically, the girls will leave Garden Valley, Texas around noon today. They will travel to Houston by bus then fly out this evening. They fly directly to Dubai and spend the night in a hotel there. Then they will fly to Uganda the next day and should get there midday. The time difference in Africa is about 7 hours. Once they leave Houston I don't anticipate talking with them until sometime Friday.

Please keep the girls in your prayers. Pray for their safety and health, as well as preparing the hearts of the people they will minister to. They are both very excited about their adventure. They had a huge "Commissioning Service" last night. Ron Luce, founder of Teen Mania Ministries was the speaker. I watched a great deal of it on line. It was very powerful!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Training on Tuesday

I haven't heard from the girls today, but I did see some pictures of them on the Global Expeditions website. Tara is wearing her gray magic camp shirt and has on a bandana. Morgan is sitting down with her group, paying attention (that's good!)


Got a call from Morgan just before bed on Monday night. She said training had actually been a little boring. Thankfully, they were not outside in the heat. I think they did a lot of sitting and listening yesterday from what I can tell. She said she was actually going to exercise because she had gotten so stiff sitting all day. Seems like I heard something about Yoga??? Tara must have talked her into that! They have been studying "True Love Waits" a Christian Sex Ed course. They will be sharing that with the kids in Uganda.

Morgan's enjoying her use of the phone for a limited time each day. Soon she won't have it at all...that's going to be tough for her!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Tara just texted to say that she will be a leader! She wasn't sure, because they had about 30 other students applying for only 12 positions. Of course, being the proud mother that I am, I'm not surprised!!!

Way to go Tara!

Update for Monday

The girls called at lunch and said they had done very little this morning, but would start training after lunch. They needed to make a decision about signing up for an optional safari while in Uganda. Of course, this meant they needed more money. Tara wanted to make sure it was ok to charge one of the trips on my charge card. She is so responsible!!! Hopefully I'll get an update after dinner.

No Phones Today

I just got a text from Morgan that says they will not have phones today. Her words..."No phones today, don't worry, I took my malaria medicine. We will try to call tonight." So, don't look for updates any time soon. I guess this means intense training today!!

The House Is Empty

It seems really weird around here today. There are four cars around our garage, but only two people here! I think it may just be hitting me that the girls are really gone. Good thing I'm working at ECU today to keep my mind occupied!!! I'm hoping to hear from the girls when they get a break from training. I'm anxious to hear what they thought about the worship session last night.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Evening Worship Service

Tara and Morgan are at their first worship service, right now as I write this. I am able to watch it live. The singers are awesome, and it is a very powerful worship service to prepare the kids. I can't wait to hear what the girls say about it!!!

THEY ARE THERE!!! (In Dallas for Training)

After some delays at the airport today, Morgan finally made it to Dallas to join Tara who has been in Dallas since Friday.

Morgan had a unique experience with some (in her words) "wild old ladies" on the airplane. Evidently, they are leftover hippies from the sixties. They spilled their alcohol on her pillow and talked about the "pot" stash. Maybe she should witness to them, huh?

I did find out that the girls are going to be in the same group, which is agood thing. The missionaries are divided into two groups for travel and now I'm comforted knowing the girls will be together.

Tara is applying to be in leadership, along with 29 other students. They will only pick 12 leaders. She should find out soon if she made the cut!!!

Please keep praying for the girls. The weather in Dallas is very hot and humid and the days of training are long and hard! As news arrives, I'll keep you posted!

Thanks for all your support so far. And, Welcome to the Adventure!!!

Leaving the Puppies

Tara and Morgan got real attached to our latest litter of puppies. These are their farewell pictures of the puppies, Small, Medium and Large.

Packing Can Be a Nightmare

So, Tara came home on Wednesday, June 10th to finish packing for her departure on Friday. As of 12:30 that night when I went to bed she had hardly even started! She makes me nervous!!! I went to bed not knowing when she would finish, but at 5:30 the next morning, she was completely ready, bandana and all to go to the airport. Word to the wise..."Morgan, please pack before hand!"

First Donation

Fund Raising could be an issue. It cost about $4600 for each of the girls to go to Uganda. That's a lot of money!!! Immediately I began to think of ways to start fundraising. The first donation was from Santa...A donation of $300 in each of the girls' Christmas Stockings. Who would have thought they would pass up material gifts for the opportunity to serve others!!! Man I have great girls!!!

They Want to Go to Africa!!!

Just before Christmas Tara and Morgan informed us they wanted to go to Uganda for a Mission Trip with Teen Mania Ministries. So, as usual, we said raise the money and we will support your decision. The journey begins.